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- O Primeiro Mágico, Dedi | MAGICIANS
The First Magician, Dedi The first thing you should know is that the art of magic remote to about 2000 years BC, is considered one of the oldest arts of all time. The big question is: Who was the first magician? Beemmm... first of all, all of us, we don't know. Seeing well... perhaps God. O more ancient record found until today is from an Egyptian papyrus, where in this same papyrus counts one of the oldest and wonderful art stories, which we call "O First magician, Dedi". " And who is Dedi?" you ask. Dedi is known for performing great feats before the court of Pharaoh Cheops. existence is counted of an incredible performance and an incredible gift of putting the head back in the decapitated bodies making them go back to the life, as well as other demonstrations beyond of our imagination. It is said that once, before all the people of the court, he was handed a decapitated goose, which he carried to the west side of the room, and with just a few magic words the goose began to tremble and Dedi, as he approached of the bird, did she get up only clucking. Suspicious, another goose was brought to him and the same thing happened, the goose trembled, Dedi approached and the bird he got up and cackled. Pharaoh, still with his I suspect, he asked to be brought an ox and beheaded right in front of everyone, once again the magic happened, Dedi, with a new enchantment, made the ox rise and moo, thus emerging a great classic in magic with decapitation of used animal until to today, as well as, one of the best known effects was widely used by the Dedi, this effect called " CUPS AND BALLS" . One of these reports brings me I remember the episode in which a magician named Brandom, who lived in England during the reign of Henry VII, was performing one of his performances in the court gardens and called everyone's attention to a pigeon that was on the fence. this same magician drew on the floor below of the same wall, a pigeon resembling the real one, and nailed in such a way a dagger in the drawing, which then the royal pigeon dropped dead off the wall. The king who was watching the performance ordered that Brandom no longer do this effect, for if he was able to make a bird fall dead with only one drawing, he would be able to do even with the king. the world by magic it seems like a fairy tale, actually, it's even a fairy tale, a tale there's Harry Potter, we were called Magos and even today this name continues, there are thousands of magnificent stories and also scary in this world, but if it weren't for them, today we wouldn't be who we are and we wouldn't have what do we have, so much physical as of knowledge.
- Temas das noticias | MAGICIANS
RETURN 18 March what is it like to be magic What will it be like to be part of the world of magic? what is it to be a Magic? What is a magician's job? How is the thinking of a magician?... There are several questions to debate, how about entering and seeing who we really are? read more 00 Future Title Future Information read more 00 Future Title Future Information read more RETURN 17 March who was DEDI The world of magic is a wonderful world, it looks like a fairy tale, full of fantasies for Harry Potter, but how long has magic been around? and who was the first registered magician? Your interest can open the door... come to know more read more 00 Future Title Future Information read more 00 Future Title Future Information read more Ride up
- Significado de ser Mágico | MAGICIANS
Meaning of Magic What is it to be a Magician? A Magician, it's out of the ordinary, something unusual, it's not like you think out there, it's not just existing to gain something, it's not just having the ability to perform an effect. with cards or make a rabbit appear in a hat. Anyone who thinks like that is wrong, because being unusual is not a job but a passion, otherwise that would not be a Magician, that would be a fool. Being a Magician is much more than guessing a card, it is studying and studying intensively to achieve the goals, being a Magician requires the ability to enact the techniques that involve disappearances, transformations and acts considered by society as impossible and for this objects, animals and even people can be used. It is the realization of an art that works with several themes derived from Science and Physics working equally with Mathematics and Psychology, NLP and Microexpressions, there is also development technological, Mentalism and Architecture, an art that includes manual techniques, techniques of expression and the great art of theft, the Pickpocket. Not only is it an art but it can also be several arts at the same time, it is above all a play where the character is a magician who can also sing, dance, draw, recite, play a song... it's a wish that everyone wants to have but few can achieve, is a function that many copy but few really are, the magic is not an easy art to get across as it requires much more than performing mere "secret techniques" and "orders" or just "guessing the letter", hence the existence of differences between words trick, effects (or demonstrations) and magic, unlike the right word, the brain reacts correctly. In reality, but in secret, is that a magician is not really an artist even being called as such, he is an entrepreneurial scientist whose job is to prove that there is always a solution for the impossible to become possible, thus stating that nothing is impossible . An area that also works on the study of the Supernatural, by Telekinesia and of all the other themes that could go through the mind of any being, changing even the world that currently we know just to give a minute to those who watch the most. Stories and stories exist about these unsung heroes who made amazing changes to the world but no one ever talked about them, stories that surround religion, politics and the development of humanity. A Magician is a curious multifaceted person who exists to do what he likes most but also to cheer people up by eluding the weak points of their human mind. It's an accomplished character with deep feelings and not just with ideas and imagination, he's a con artist who doesn't lie, he's a set of heteronyms and he's someone who picks up an object and builds a contraption that he only uses to levitate something around him or make it disappear. As Luís de Matos once said "A magician is the most honest profession there is because he just says he's going to deceive and he only deceives" Everyone is aware that it's just an illusion, even if they don't see the gadget or the scheme used, that's why a magician is a crook, because he uses a cheat, but everyone likes it and that's what this character exists for, only to awaken positive feelings and give that same spectator a minute who maybe had a bad day, that's why a Magician turns out to be wonderful, a developer of secrets and a great friend. Too bad that not everything is really a bed of roses, in exchange for the happiness of others, a little of the charm of visual impossibility is lost, that's why we need all who watch, applaud, laugh and stay with the doubt in mind for the rest of their lives "How did it happen?". And this is being a Magician and this is being a challenge Being a magician is wonderful, it is developing the secrets of the mind and body, but it is also horrible because it escapes reality and enters an unknown world, this is to be magical, it is to be unique. is a crook who doesn't lie